pwnlib.context — Setting runtime variables

Many settings in pwntools are controlled via the global variable context, such as the selected target operating system, architecture, and bit-width.

In general, exploits will start with something like:

from pwn import *
context.arch = 'amd64'

Which sets up everything in the exploit for exploiting a 64-bit Intel binary.

The recommended method is to use context.binary to automagically set all of the appropriate values.

from pwn import *
context.binary = './challenge-binary'

Module Members

Implements context management so that nested/scoped contexts and threaded contexts work properly and as expected.

class pwnlib.context.ContextType(**kwargs)[source]

Class for specifying information about the target machine. Intended for use as a pseudo-singleton through the global variable context, available via from pwn import * as context.

The context is usually specified at the top of the Python file for clarity.

#!/usr/bin/env python
context.update(arch='i386', os='linux')

Currently supported properties and their defaults are listed below. The defaults are inherited from pwnlib.context.ContextType.defaults.

Additionally, the context is thread-aware when using pwnlib.context.Thread instead of threading.Thread (all internal pwntools threads use the former).

The context is also scope-aware by using the with keyword.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.update(os='linux') 
>>> context.os == 'linux'
>>> context.arch = 'arm'
>>> vars(context) == {'arch': 'arm', 'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little', 'os': 'linux', 'newline': b'\n'}
>>> context.endian
>>> context.bits
>>> def nop():
...   print(enhex(pwnlib.asm.asm('nop')))
>>> nop()
>>> with context.local(arch = 'i386'):
...   nop()
>>> from pwnlib.context import Thread as PwnThread
>>> from threading      import Thread as NormalThread
>>> with context.local(arch = 'mips'):
...     pwnthread = PwnThread(target=nop)
...     thread    = NormalThread(target=nop)
>>> # Normal thread uses the default value for arch, 'i386'
>>> _=(thread.start(), thread.join())
>>> # Pwnthread uses the correct context from creation-time
>>> _=(pwnthread.start(), pwnthread.join())
>>> nop()

Initialize the ContextType structure.

All keyword arguments are passed to update().

class Thread(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiates a context-aware thread, which inherit its context when it is instantiated. The class can be accessed both on the context module as pwnlib.context.Thread and on the context singleton object inside the context module as pwnlib.context.context.Thread.

Threads created by using the native :class`threading`.Thread` will have a clean (default) context.

Regardless of the mechanism used to create any thread, the context is de-coupled from the parent thread, so changes do not cascade to child or parent.

Saves a copy of the context when instantiated (at __init__) and updates the new thread’s context before passing control to the user code via run or target=.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.update(arch='arm')
>>> def p():
...     print(context.arch)
...     context.arch = 'mips'
...     print(context.arch)
>>> # Note that a normal Thread starts with a clean context
>>> # (i386 is the default architecture)
>>> t = threading.Thread(target=p)
>>> _=(t.start(), t.join())
>>> # Note that the main Thread's context is unchanged
>>> print(context.arch)
>>> # Note that a context-aware Thread receives a copy of the context
>>> t = pwnlib.context.Thread(target=p)
>>> _=(t.start(), t.join())
>>> # Again, the main thread is unchanged
>>> print(context.arch)

Implementation Details:

This class implemented by hooking the private function threading.Thread._Thread_bootstrap(), which is called before passing control to

This could be done by overriding run itself, but we would have to ensure that all uses of the class would only ever use the keyword target= for __init__, or that all subclasses invoke super(Subclass.self).set_up_context() or similar.

This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments. Arguments are:

group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented.

target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.

name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number.

args is a list or tuple of arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}.

If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread.

Implementation Details:

This only works because the class is named Thread. If its name is changed, we have to implement this hook differently.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments. Arguments are:

group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented.

target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.

name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number.

args is a list or tuple of arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}.

If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread.

Implementation Details:

This only works because the class is named Thread. If its name is changed, we have to implement this hook differently.


Alias for pwnlib.context.ContextType.update()


Initialize the ContextType structure.

All keyword arguments are passed to update().


Return repr(self).

clear(*a, **kw)[source]

Clears the contents of the context. All values are set to their defaults.

  • a – Arguments passed to update

  • kw – Arguments passed to update


>>> # Default value
>>> context.clear()
>>> context.arch == 'i386'
>>> context.arch = 'arm'
>>> context.arch == 'i386'
>>> context.clear()
>>> context.arch == 'i386'
copy() dict[source]

Returns a copy of the current context as a dictionary.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.os   = 'linux'
>>> vars(context) == {'os': 'linux', 'newline': b'\n'}
local(**kwargs) context manager[source]

Create a context manager for use with the with statement.

For more information, see the example below or PEP 343.


kwargs – Variables to be assigned in the new environment.


ContextType manager for managing the old and new environment.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.timeout = 1
>>> context.timeout == 1
>>> print(context.timeout)
>>> with context.local(timeout = 2):
...     print(context.timeout)
...     context.timeout = 3
...     print(context.timeout)
>>> print(context.timeout)

Similar to quiet, but wraps a whole function.


Let’s set up two functions, which are the same but one is wrapped with quietfunc.

>>> def loud():"Loud")
>>> @context.quietfunc
... def quiet():"Quiet")

If we set the logging level to ‘info’, the loud function prints its contents.

>>> with context.local(log_level='info'): loud()
[*] Loud

However, the quiet function does not, since quietfunc silences all output unless the log level is DEBUG.

>>> with context.local(log_level='info'): quiet()

Now let’s try again with debugging enabled.

>>> with context.local(log_level='debug'): quiet()
[*] Quiet

Deprecated. Use clear().

update(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience function, which is shorthand for setting multiple variables at once.

It is a simple shorthand such that:

context.update(os = 'linux', arch = 'arm', ...)

is equivalent to:

context.os   = 'linux'
context.arch = 'arm'

The following syntax is also valid:

context.update({'os': 'linux', 'arch': 'arm'})

kwargs – Variables to be assigned in the environment.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.update(arch = 'i386', os = 'linux')
>>> context.arch, context.os
('i386', 'linux')
property adb[source]

Returns an argument array for connecting to adb.

Unless $ADB_PATH is set, uses the default adb binary in $PATH.

property adb_host[source]

Sets the target host which is used for ADB.

This is useful for Android exploitation.

The default value is inherited from ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_HOST, or set to the default ‘localhost’.

property adb_port[source]

Sets the target port which is used for ADB.

This is useful for Android exploitation.

The default value is inherited from ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT, or set to the default 5037.

property arch[source]

Target binary architecture.

Allowed values are listed in pwnlib.context.ContextType.architectures.

Side Effects:

If an architecture is specified which also implies additional attributes (e.g. ‘amd64’ implies 64-bit words, ‘powerpc’ implies big-endian), these attributes will be set on the context if a user has not already set a value.

The following properties may be modified.


AttributeError – An invalid architecture was specified


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.arch == 'i386' # Default architecture
>>> context.arch = 'mips'
>>> context.arch == 'mips'
>>> context.arch = 'doge' 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: arch must be one of ['aarch64', ..., 'thumb']
>>> context.arch = 'ppc'
>>> context.arch == 'powerpc' # Aliased architecture
>>> context.clear()
>>> context.bits == 32 # Default value
>>> context.arch = 'amd64'
>>> context.bits == 64 # New value

Note that expressly setting bits means that we use that value instead of the default

>>> context.clear()
>>> context.bits = 32
>>> context.arch = 'amd64'
>>> context.bits == 32

Setting the architecture can override the defaults for both endian and bits

>>> context.clear()
>>> context.arch = 'powerpc64'
>>> vars(context) == {'arch': 'powerpc64', 'bits': 64, 'endian': 'big'}
architectures = {'aarch64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'little'}, 'alpha': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'little'}, 'amd64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'little'}, 'arm': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'avr': {'bits': 8, 'endian': 'little'}, 'cris': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'i386': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'ia64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'big'}, 'm68k': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'big'}, 'mips': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'mips64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'little'}, 'msp430': {'bits': 16, 'endian': 'little'}, 'none': {}, 'powerpc': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'big'}, 'powerpc64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'big'}, 'riscv32': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'riscv64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'little'}, 's390': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'big'}, 'sparc': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'big'}, 'sparc64': {'bits': 64, 'endian': 'big'}, 'thumb': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}, 'vax': {'bits': 32, 'endian': 'little'}}[source]

Values are defaults which are set when pwnlib.context.ContextType.arch is set

property aslr[source]

ASLR settings for new processes.

If False, attempt to disable ASLR in all processes which are created via personality (setarch -R) and setrlimit (ulimit -s unlimited).

The setarch changes are lost if a setuid binary is executed.

property binary[source]

Infer target architecture, bit-with, and endianness from a binary file. Data type is a pwnlib.elf.ELF object.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.arch, context.bits
('i386', 32)
>>> context.binary = '/bin/bash'
>>> context.arch, context.bits
('amd64', 64)
>>> context.binary
property bits[source]

Target machine word size, in bits (i.e. the size of general purpose registers).

The default value is 32, but changes according to arch.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.bits == 32
>>> context.bits = 64
>>> context.bits == 64
>>> context.bits = -1 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: bits must be > 0 (-1)
property buffer_size[source]

Internal buffer size to use for objects.

This is not the maximum size of the buffer, but this is the amount of data which is passed to each raw read syscall (or equivalent).

property bytes[source]

Target machine word size, in bytes (i.e. the size of general purpose registers).

This is a convenience wrapper around bits // 8.


>>> context.bytes = 1
>>> context.bits == 8
>>> context.bytes = 0 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: bits must be > 0 (0)
property cache_dir[source]

Directory used for caching data.


May be either a path string, or None.


>>> cache_dir = context.cache_dir
>>> cache_dir is not None
>>> os.chmod(cache_dir, 0o000)
>>> del context._tls['cache_dir']
>>> context.cache_dir is None
>>> os.chmod(cache_dir, 0o755)
>>> cache_dir == context.cache_dir
property cache_dir_base[source]

Base directory to use for caching content.

Changing this to a different value will clear the cache_dir path stored in TLS since a new path will need to be generated to respect the new cache_dir_base value.

property cyclic_alphabet[source]

Cyclic alphabet.

Default value is string.ascii_lowercase.

property cyclic_size[source]

Cyclic pattern size.

Default value is 4.

defaults = {'adb_host': 'localhost', 'adb_port': 5037, 'arch': 'i386', 'aslr': True, 'binary': None, 'bits': 32, 'buffer_size': 4096, 'cache_dir_base': '/home/docs/.cache', 'cyclic_alphabet': b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'cyclic_size': 4, 'delete_corefiles': False, 'device': None, 'encoding': 'auto', 'endian': 'little', 'gdbinit': '', 'kernel': None, 'local_libcdb': '/var/lib/libc-database', 'log_console': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, 'log_file': <pwnlib.context._devnull object>, 'log_level': 20, 'newline': b'\n', 'noptrace': False, 'os': 'linux', 'proxy': None, 'randomize': False, 'rename_corefiles': True, 'signed': False, 'ssh_session': None, 'terminal': (), 'throw_eof_on_incomplete_line': None, 'timeout': pwnlib.timeout.maximum}[source]

Default values for pwnlib.context.ContextType

property delete_corefiles[source]

Whether pwntools automatically deletes corefiles after exiting. This only affects corefiles accessed via process.corefile.

Default value is False.

property device[source]

Sets the device being operated on.

property endian[source]

Endianness of the target machine.

The default value is 'little', but changes according to arch.


AttributeError – An invalid endianness was provided


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.endian == 'little'
>>> context.endian = 'big'
>>> context.endian
>>> context.endian = 'be'
>>> context.endian == 'big'
>>> context.endian = 'foobar' 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: endian must be one of ['be', 'big', 'eb', 'el', 'le', 'little']
property endianness[source]

Legacy alias for endian.


>>> context.endian == context.endianness
endiannesses = {'be': 'big', 'big': 'big', 'eb': 'big', 'el': 'little', 'le': 'little', 'little': 'little'}[source]

Valid values for endian

property gdbinit[source]

Path to the gdbinit that is used when running GDB locally.

This is useful if you want pwntools-launched GDB to include some additional modules, like PEDA but you do not want to have GDB include them by default.

The setting will only apply when GDB is launched locally since remote hosts may not have the necessary requirements for the gdbinit.

If set to an empty string, GDB will use the default ~/.gdbinit.

Default value is "".

property kernel[source]

Target machine’s kernel architecture.

Usually, this is the same as arch, except when running a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit kernel (e.g. i386-on-amd64).

Even then, this doesn’t matter much – only when the the segment registers need to be known

property local_libcdb[source]

Sets path to local libc-database, get more information for libc-database:

Works in pwnlib.libcdb when searching by local database provider.

The default value is /var/lib/libc-database.

Sets context.local_libcdb to empty string or None will turn off local libc-database integration.


>>> context.local_libcdb =
>>> context.local_libcdb = 'foobar'
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'foobar' does not exist, please download libc-database first
property log_console[source]

Sets the default logging console target.


>>> context.log_level = 'warn'
>>> log.warn("Hello")
[!] Hello
>>> context.log_console=open('/dev/null', 'w')
>>> log.warn("Hello")
>>> context.clear()
property log_file[source]

Sets the target file for all logging output.

Works in a similar fashion to log_level.


>>> foo_txt = tempfile.mktemp()
>>> bar_txt = tempfile.mktemp()
>>> context.log_file = foo_txt
>>> log.debug('Hello!')
>>> with context.local(log_level='ERROR'): 
...'Hello again!')
>>> with context.local(log_file=bar_txt):
...     log.debug('Hello from bar!')
>>>'Hello from foo!')
>>> open(foo_txt).readlines()[-3] 
>>> open(foo_txt).readlines()[-2] 
'...:INFO:...:Hello again!\n'
>>> open(foo_txt).readlines()[-1] 
'...:INFO:...:Hello from foo!\n'
>>> open(bar_txt).readlines()[-1] 
'...:DEBUG:...:Hello from bar!\n'
property log_level[source]

Sets the verbosity of pwntools logging mechanism.

More specifically it controls the filtering of messages that happens inside the handler for logging to the screen. So if you want e.g. log all messages to a file, then this attribute makes no difference to you.

Valid values are specified by the standard Python logging module.

Default value is set to INFO.


>>> context.log_level = 'error'
>>> context.log_level == logging.ERROR
>>> context.log_level = 10
>>> context.log_level = 'foobar' 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: log_level must be an integer or one of ['CRITICAL', 'DEBUG', 'ERROR', 'INFO', 'NOTSET', 'WARN', 'WARNING']
property newline[source]

Line ending used for Tubes by default.

This configures the newline emitted by e.g. sendline or that is used as a delimiter for e.g. recvline.

property noptrace[source]

Disable all actions which rely on ptrace.

This is useful for switching between local exploitation with a debugger, and remote exploitation (without a debugger).

This option can be set with the NOPTRACE command-line argument.

property os[source]

Operating system of the target machine.

The default value is linux.

Allowed values are listed in pwnlib.context.ContextType.oses.

Side Effects:

If an os is specified some attributes will be set on the context if a user has not already set a value.

The following property may be modified:


AttributeError – An invalid os was specified


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.os == 'linux' # Default os
>>> context.os = 'freebsd'
>>> context.os == 'freebsd'
>>> context.os = 'foobar' 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: os must be one of ['android', 'baremetal', 'cgc', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'windows']
>>> context.clear()
>>> context.newline == b'\n' # Default value
>>> context.os = 'windows'
>>> context.newline == b'\r\n' # New value

Note that expressly setting newline means that we use that value instead of the default

>>> context.clear()
>>> context.newline = b'\n'
>>> context.os = 'windows'
>>> context.newline == b'\n'

Setting the os can override the default for newline

>>> context.clear()
>>> context.os = 'windows'
>>> vars(context) == {'os': 'windows', 'newline': b'\r\n'}
oses = {'android': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'baremetal': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'cgc': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'darwin': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'freebsd': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'linux': {'newline': b'\n'}, 'windows': {'newline': b'\r\n'}}[source]

Keys are valid values for pwnlib.context.ContextType.os()

property proxy[source]

Default proxy for all socket connections.

Accepts either a string (hostname or IP address) for a SOCKS5 proxy on the default port, or a tuple passed to socks.set_default_proxy, e.g. (socks.SOCKS4, 'localhost', 1234).

>>> context.proxy = 'localhost' 
>>> r=remote('', 80)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ProxyConnectionError: Error connecting to SOCKS5 proxy localhost:1080: [Errno 111] Connection refused
>>> context.proxy = None
>>> r=remote('', 80, level='error')
property quiet[source]

Disables all non-error logging within the enclosed scope, unless the debugging level is set to ‘debug’ or lower.


Let’s assume the normal situation, where log_level is INFO.

>>> context.clear(log_level='info')

Note that only the log levels below ERROR do not print anything.

>>> with context.quiet:
...     log.debug("DEBUG")
...     log.warn("WARN")

Next let’s try with the debugging level set to ‘debug’ before we enter the context handler:

>>> with context.local(log_level='debug'):
...     with context.quiet:
...         log.debug("DEBUG")
...         log.warn("WARN")
[*] INFO
[!] WARN
property randomize[source]

Global flag that lots of things should be randomized.

property rename_corefiles[source]

Whether pwntools automatically renames corefiles.

This is useful for two things:

  • Prevent corefiles from being overwritten, if kernel.core_pattern is something simple like "core".

  • Ensure corefiles are generated, if kernel.core_pattern uses apport, which refuses to overwrite any existing files.

This only affects corefiles accessed via process.corefile.

Default value is True.

property sign[source]

Alias for signed

property signed[source]

Signed-ness for packing operation when it’s not explicitly set.

Can be set to any non-string truthy value, or the specific string values 'signed' or 'unsigned' which are converted into True and False correspondingly.


>>> context.signed
>>> context.signed = 1
>>> context.signed
>>> context.signed = 'signed'
>>> context.signed
>>> context.signed = 'unsigned'
>>> context.signed
>>> context.signed = 'foobar' 
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: signed must be one of ['no', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'yes'] or a non-string truthy value
property signedness[source]

Alias for signed

signednesses = {'no': False, 'signed': True, 'unsigned': False, 'yes': True}[source]

Valid string values for signed

property silent[source]

Disable all non-error logging within the enclosed scope.

property terminal[source]

Default terminal used by pwnlib.util.misc.run_in_new_terminal(). Can be a string or an iterable of strings. In the latter case the first entry is the terminal and the rest are default arguments.

property throw_eof_on_incomplete_line[source]

Whether to raise an EOFError if an EOF is received before a newline in tube.recvline.

Controls if an EOFError is treated as newline in tube.recvline and similar functions and whether a warning should be logged about it.

Possible values are:

  • True: Raise an EOFError if an EOF is received before a newline.

  • False: Return the data received so far if an EOF is received before a newline without logging a warning.

  • None: Return the data received so far if an EOF is received before a newline and log a warning.

Default value is None.

property timeout[source]

Default amount of time to wait for a blocking operation before it times out, specified in seconds.

The default value is to have an infinite timeout.

See pwnlib.timeout.Timeout for additional information on valid values.

property verbose[source]

Enable all logging within the enclosed scope.

This is the opposite of quiet and functionally equivalent to:

with context.local(log_level='debug'):


Note that the function does not emit any information by default

>>> context.clear()
>>> def func(): log.debug("Hello")
>>> func()

But if we put it inside a verbose context manager, the information is printed.

>>> with context.verbose: func()
[DEBUG] Hello
property word_size[source]

Alias for bits

class pwnlib.context.Thread(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiates a context-aware thread, which inherit its context when it is instantiated. The class can be accessed both on the context module as pwnlib.context.Thread and on the context singleton object inside the context module as pwnlib.context.context.Thread.

Threads created by using the native :class`threading`.Thread` will have a clean (default) context.

Regardless of the mechanism used to create any thread, the context is de-coupled from the parent thread, so changes do not cascade to child or parent.

Saves a copy of the context when instantiated (at __init__) and updates the new thread’s context before passing control to the user code via run or target=.


>>> context.clear()
>>> context.update(arch='arm')
>>> def p():
...     print(context.arch)
...     context.arch = 'mips'
...     print(context.arch)
>>> # Note that a normal Thread starts with a clean context
>>> # (i386 is the default architecture)
>>> t = threading.Thread(target=p)
>>> _=(t.start(), t.join())
>>> # Note that the main Thread's context is unchanged
>>> print(context.arch)
>>> # Note that a context-aware Thread receives a copy of the context
>>> t = pwnlib.context.Thread(target=p)
>>> _=(t.start(), t.join())
>>> # Again, the main thread is unchanged
>>> print(context.arch)

Implementation Details:

This class implemented by hooking the private function threading.Thread._Thread_bootstrap(), which is called before passing control to

This could be done by overriding run itself, but we would have to ensure that all uses of the class would only ever use the keyword target= for __init__, or that all subclasses invoke super(Subclass.self).set_up_context() or similar.

This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments. Arguments are:

group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented.

target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.

name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number.

args is a list or tuple of arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}.

If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread.

Implementation Details:

This only works because the class is named Thread. If its name is changed, we have to implement this hook differently.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments. Arguments are:

group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented.

target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.

name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number.

args is a list or tuple of arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}.

If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread.

Implementation Details:

This only works because the class is named Thread. If its name is changed, we have to implement this hook differently.

pwnlib.context.context = ContextType()[source]

Global ContextType object, used to store commonly-used pwntools settings.

In most cases, the context is used to infer default variables values. For example, asm() can take an arch parameter as a keyword argument.

If it is not supplied, the arch specified by context is used instead.

Consider it a shorthand to passing os= and arch= to every single function call.